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8 وصفات بروتين معبأة سريعة جدا

24,988 المشاهدات

Try these 8 unique ways to add protein powder  to your daily foods.

 Instead of sticking to the same protein juice every day, expand by experimenting with the following recipes to get the allotted daily amount of protein powder.

For an alternative, protein-filled breakfast, cook protein pies with one whole egg and two egg whites, whisk together with an amount of protein powder until it reaches a firm texture. 

Protein powder can be used to enhance the flavor of oatmealSimply add a scoop of the desired protein flavor to improve your normal cooked oats.

Add protein and flavors to your hot cocoa to make it nutritious and delicious.

Make a quick snack by mixing protein powder with peanut butter and cool it in the refrigerator to make peanut butter balls.

Ranch sauce with a strong taste can be prepared by adding a scoop of protein powder to the spices and mixing it with Greek yogurt.

Failed fast banana candy   Ba use banana - flavored protein powder to add some additional flavor of Greek yogurt. Use 1 cup of protein powder per cup of yogurt.

Add vanilla protein powder to your coffee to make instant latte coffee that gives you the energy to get up.

Make healthy cheesecakes in chocolate circles by mixing chocolate protein powder with homemade cheese.

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